Wild Yarn
Friday, July 07, 2006
  We Are Alive!
I'm sure you weren't scared that we would blow ourselves up, but seriously, this is one of the fireworks tech's at our house:

We had a great fourth. Not without a few finger burns, one forehead burn and some falling debree in the eyes. All in all it was a blast. We saved a few fireworks for when the girlfriend arrives next week. They can't shoot off fireworks on base in N. Dakota (or any military base for that matter).

We have been having awesome weather the past few days and my garden is loving it! Before, it was common to come home from work and see the leaves wilting from the heat. Now we have sights like this:

This was a volunteer, by the way. We didn't plant it, it just sprung up in the front yard where the roses and blackeyed susan's are planted. It is gorgeous and the bees are gonna get some sweet honey outta it.

In honor of Johnny Depp and the Pirate movie {which we are going to see in a few hours} here is a little booty:


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