Never!! I received this postcard from It's from Marcel in The Netherlands. She read my profile and saw that I taught myself to knit so she found this card for me. Isn't it great!
This is just a brief weekend interlude so that I may knit away. I have begun the first chart on the Serephim shawl [ okay, this is a baby chart as far as lace knitting goes, but hey, the first 4 row have turned out right, so I'm on a roll]. I have, probably, one more set of rows to finish before the cable hat is done AND I think I will go buy myself another set of Addi needles to begin the Tank Top from One Skein.
If you couldn't tell, I've become obsessed with knitting and I really don't care who knows it. I even bought this book to find solice in a kinred soul: This book is cracking me up! and if you haven't visited Yarn Harlot's blog lately, check out this post: It Turns Out it's the best birthday, ever {well, in the top five--my mind just wondered into fantasy land, and you can't come}, but it's up there. Check it out. Have a fantastic weekend!!
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