Wild Yarn
Thursday, April 06, 2006
  Back To Business
We have returned!! our trip was a great success and the oldest is mucho happy that he got to spend so much time with his beautiful girlfriend.

Here are a couple more photos of the prom beginnings.
I don't have a clue about the middle or end, except that they got home in the early morning hours.... it's okay, they are both good young adults and the prom in N. Dakota is pretty awesome. They have a thing called the grand march which takes a few hours and each couple walks down the runway and is announced. Afterwards, they go into the prom and dance the nite away until about 1:30 a.m and then, they go to the Moose Lodge for an after party that lasts until 4:00a.m and then groups of them go out for Breakfast. Then Sunday is spent sleeping it off for school Monday morning. To get into the prom they have to take a breathalizer test and once in the prom they randomly do them and then when you leave the prom you take another breathalizer test. If there is drinking, they will find it. Sex and drugs are completely different, but we won't go there. They had a blast and looked so good, I'm glad we could do this for them.

My friend was estatic to see us and we had a great visit. It didn't snow while we were there; as a matter of fact the weather turned spring-like in the 50's and 60's~ yes, I like to take my own weather with me wherever I go.

Since returning, I have completed this eyeglass case. The pattern is from Missa and can be found here:
Sunglasses Condom

very easy and very cute. I haven't monogrammed mine yet, but I will. I love the little place carved out for it.

Plus, I made the awesome and much ado about PANTA:

I love this headband, it is super cool and gave me a chance to work on my knitting. I must confess, people that knitting is becoming an addicition. Love it!

Okay, have a great day and I will be back on the blogging circle this weekend.
Peace~ DAWN

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