Wild Yarn
Thursday, July 21, 2005
  Bad Days and the Things Kids Say
Well, let me start out with a confession: I had a crappy day at work on Wednesday and must confess that I came home and vented to my husband for far longer than a rational human being should have. Then Thursday morning while listening to my iPod (I now have 241 songs, thank you) I came across Veruca Salt's "Seether" and thought how appropriate all the lyrics in that song were to my behavior the day before. I'm better now and this post is part of the reason why:
Fern House Studio. The whole post for July 18th was great, but when I got down to the happy Buddhist monk, well. . . he's just so damn happy with his sparkler and all. Anyway, I feel better and (fingers crossed) won't come home seething like that again.

Okay, now for the things kids say. The following is a verbatim exchange between me and my 9 year old SON.

I was making squares for the Square Swap at Crochetville and got out a ball of yarn I had wound on the yarn winder and I say to my son,
"Look, it looks like a little yarn cake."
He replies, "Yeah, with a tampon coming out of it."

I swear that is exactly what he said. "What?!" "Sorry mom, that's what it looks like."

Well, that ought to teach me. . . But probably not.
Have a Happy and Healthy Friday, Oh and in case I don't post this weekend. . .
Tomorrow is my Birthday, YEAH!!
Peace~ DAWN


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