Swiss Family Robinson
I forgot to post a picture of my son's treehouse in progress. Without further ado, I present the treehouse in the late afternoon sun. This thing is really high off the ground and there is plenty of room under it for a little lounge! The house itself will be about 6' in height. My husband had it taller and I was like, "uh, no I think the ceiling should be lower. It's for a kid, babe, not you."
He agreed (thank you). He is going around to construction sites and asking for any lumber that they are disgarding to use for walls and whatever else he can think of. I will post progress pictures as it goes along.
Woohoo! I got my yarn from, yesterday. I absolutely love doing business with them. Their yarn is awesome and so are the prices not to mention you get your order el rapido!! and for someone with no patience (moi) that is a good thing. I admit, I get so giddy when my yarn arrives, I did flirt with the mailman a little. I don't think he minded. I was so excited to see all the purdy yarn and a little sample sheet of some of the yarn I had been considering. As you can see, I have already turned on and a 1/3 skein into a baby blanket for my co-worker. This yarn feels like a cloud. It's like covering yourself up with a tissue. . . you don't even know it is on you. Can't wait to work with the cotton. It has got to be better than SnC. The weight is a little lighter, too.Babble babble, enough already. Have a super day everyone!! {oh, clicky, clicky the pictures for larger image and a better view}
Peace all~ DAWN