Wild Yarn
Friday, May 20, 2005
  OMG, I'm Having a "Mom Moment"
Okay, to begin with: my middle son got an award last nite for the Highest GPA in Algebra 1 for grades 10-12. Yeh! for my mathmatically enhanced son!! He took it in stride, but I am legitamately proud. Then this morning (I'm a little slow on the up take) it hit me that school will be over next week for this year and after summer vacation my oldest WILL BE A SENIOR! I dropped off my youngest at school and drove home with tears in my eyes thinking of this. No, I'm not PMSing (that was last week). This is bona fide reality sinking into my thick scull. My first born baby is gonna be finishing with school and entering adulthood by this same time next year. I will be a blubbering idiot within six months. Wait and see.

On the crochet front: I am so close to being done with the shrug I can hardly stand it. My last sleeve is 3/4 of the way done!! oh is the dream of taking it on vacation NEXT WEEKEND going to become a reality? That would mean 2 crocheted pieces that get to go to Florida with me.

Speaking of Florida: I am so excited about this trip. make that !!!! Next Friday we will be off to the sunshine state and washing sand out of our cracks for days on end. Can't wait.

Have a great day, ya'll. Peace~ DAWN

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