Wild Yarn
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Wow, what a slow week in the crochet dept. I have no F.O to speak about. I only got a couple of more rows done on the scarf and have stalled on the blanket. I am going to the health food store today to get some flax seed for the comfort pack and then I can post a photo of it before it goes to work with me.

Got my boobs squashed yesterday at my annual boob squashing party/mamogram visit. Wow, hated to see that one come to an end, not. Just hope that is it for another year.

We went to a Chinese buffet last nite for dinner and on the "dessert" cart they always have Chocolate pudding and jello and bananas in some sort of red sauce along with an assortment of cookies and dry cakes. Anyway, the chocolate pudding was rank! it was left out too long or their refrigeration unit went kerplunk, but it was sour/yuck. We let them know that they need to check it out and pull it and they did and in return they took off one of the meals from our check. Nice, huh. I don't like Chinese buffets, but my family loves them (I don't know why). I like my Asian food spicy and hot. Buffets are bland and luke-warm, always.

Anyhow, that was my exciting nite. Hope you all have a great weekend and I will hopefully have some photos to put up next week.
Peace all~

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