Cloud Nine!I passed the National Certification Exam for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers! I passed, people! Yeah Yeah Yeah! This is a very big deal. In Tenn. you have to pass this National test now in order to get your License to practice massage therapy. It is a comprehinsive test over many many subjects and I have been studying my butt off for the past couple of months and saying positive afirmations and it has all paid off.
Part of what makes this a big deal is the fact that the test costs $225.00 to take. If you fail and have to retake it, it's another $225.00! Not chump change for anyone that I know. If getting my license wasn't enought motivation, the price tag certainly was. I am so so happy. Now I can get on with the business of actually pursuing something that I feel passionate about. I could take up so much space going on and on about the benefits of massage and how people are most often cheating themselves to think that it is a nice luxury to indulge in on occasion, if at all. If you have never had a massage you owe it to yourself to get one at least once in your life time and if you suffer from any sort of muscle pain or stress (who doesn't) you really owe it to yourself to at least consider bodywork as an alternitive treatment. You could be pleasantly surprised.
Okay, enough. I'm going to enjoy the fact that I don't have to study today and I can relax into this holiday season knowing that the big hurdle is past me now.
Please please please, support those in your life that are pursuingtheir dreams and offer your support in any way you can. Even if it is just saying how proud you are of them. It makes a difference and it goes a long way in pushing them along.