Wild Yarn
Monday, September 13, 2004
  Feeling Better
Well, it's been a few days since my last post. I was really feeling crappy due to this head cold. I'm feeling better. All that is left is a cough and phlem in my chest and throat. Too much info, I know.

I totally scapped my ponchette. My husband saw me frogging it and said, 'are you taking that whole thing apart?' Yeap, sometimes it's just better that way. Now I have 3 balls of Simply Soft in 'bone'. I'll figure something out to do with it.

I did start on my Simple Cloche hat from the Hip to Crochet book. I'm using red hearts Tweed yarn (because I love this yarn). The colors in the tweeds are awesome and it has a nice feel to it. I think the gauge will be similar. I have thick curly hair so if it is a little bigger... bonus for me. Hope to have it finished in a day or two. I have family coming in tonite and staying for a few days, so I don't know how much crocheting I will get in.

My sons team lost their game Friday nite by one point-34 to33. What a bummer. Well, there is always this coming Friday.


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